Thermomix Grain-Free Crackers

Thermomix Grain-Free Crackers

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Once upon a time……I was a Thermomix Consultant.

I’d bought my Thermomix back in August 2009 on the recommendation of a friend.  I’d just sold my house so we had some spare cash to set ourselves up in the house my husband & I had built together.  I remember speaking to the consultant I was buying from & she asked if I was sure I didn’t want to see it in action first.  I trusted my friend & knew from what she’d shared that a Thermomix would add value to our lives.  The order was placed.

I had a delivery demonstration where I had some family & friends over to see this beast in action & taste some of the recipes from the included cookbook.  I’ll admit it……about half way through the demo, I kissed the Thermie (thereafter known as “Thermeseus – God of the Kitchen”).  I can’t even recall now what I’d just witnessed it do, but it was love!!!  My consultant asked at the end of the demo if anyone else would be interested in being a consultant.  My daughter was only 4yo and I was the primary parent, so I was not in the headspace to be working outside the home.  I kindly declined.

Fast forward a couple of years & my consultant rang me to say there was a Thermomix Cooking Class on just down the road from us & she invited us to attend.  As I was sitting there watching my consultant trying to help another consultant, all I could think was, “Oh my gosh, I could do so much better than this (other) woman!” and I started to see myself in her place.   At the end of the class, they passed around feedback forms & I ticked the box to say I was interested in becoming a consultant.  A few weeks later, I had completed my training & the rest, as they say, is history.

Over time, avoiding grains became a focus of ours as an extension of eating gluten-free.  I came across a grain-free cracker recipe which I converted for the TMX, but found the mixture was a little too wet & the resulting crackers were a bit too soft/crumbly.  I’m a big fan of chia seeds, especially in GF cooking, so I decided to add chia seeds to the water as a binding agent & the texture was much better.  The addition of sesame seeds on top made this version taste better than the original, too.

I uploaded my conversion to the Recipe Community website and it ended up being so popular & highly rated that it was a featured recipe on the official Thermomix in Australia Facebook page.  WOO HOO!!!

Perfect for those following a paleo-type diet, GAPS or avoiding grains for whatever other reason.  Also suitable for vegans.

Thermomix Grain-free Crackers


If you prefer a blonder biscuit, you could blanch the almonds first.  Of course, these may not be suitable for school lunches with so many schools being nut-free these days, but they would make a great high protein after-school snack or the perfect accompaniment to dips or a cheese platter.


Grain Free Crackers
2.99 from 2299 votes

Grain-Free Crackers

Grain-Free Crackers prepared in the Thermomix. 

Perfect for those following a paleo-type diet, GAPS or avoiding grains for whatever other reason.  Also suitable for vegans.

Course Snack
Prep Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings 20 pieces
Author Nyree @


For the crackers:

  • 1 tbsp Chia seeds (white or black)
  • 140 g Whole raw almonds
  • 15 g Whole linseeds
  • 30 g Sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 tsp Sea salt or Himalayan salt flakes
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp Dried chilli flakes (1/2 tsp for extra bite)
  • 60 g Water

To sprinkle on top:

  • 2 tbsp Sesame seeds (to taste)
  • 1 tbsp Sea salt or Himalayan salt flakes (to taste)


  1. Mix chia seeds & water in a small bowl & sit aside for 1 hour (room temp is fine)

    Chia gel
  2. Preheat oven to 175C. Line a large baking sheet with non-stick baking paper.

  3. Place almonds, sunflower seeds, linseeds, sea salt flakes, garlic powder & chilli flakes into the TM bowl & mill for 20 secs on speed 7. It should look like crumbs at this point.
    Grain free cracker mix
  4. Add the soaked chia seeds (now a thick seedy gel) & mix on speed 4 until the ingredients begin to form a dough ball (approx 10-15 secs).  

    Grain free cracker dough
  5. Using a spatula, scrape dough onto lined baking sheet & form into a ball with hands. Mixture will be sticky but firm.

    Grain free cracker dough ballGrain free cracker dough ball
  6. Place another sheet of non-stick baking paper on top & roll out dough to approx 2-3mm thick.
    rolled cracker dough
  7. Remove top sheet of paper & sprinkle extra sea salt flakes & sesame seeds over entire surface, pressing in gently with your hand to help them stick. Using a sharp knife or pizza cutter score dough into cracker shapes (mine were approx 4x5cm each).
    Scored grain free crackers
  8. Spread the shapes out a bit on the baking sheet so that each cracker cooks evenly

    Grain free crackers_2
  9. Bake in the oven for approx 15 mins or until golden brown (watch that the thinner edges don't burn). Remove from oven & transfer crackers to a cooling rack. Allow to cool completely - they will crisp up as they cool.


    Grain Free Crackers

Recipe Notes

  • If you prefer a blonder biscuit, you could blanch the almonds first.  Of course, these may not be suitable for school lunches with so many schools being nut-free these days, but they would make a great high protein after-school snack or the perfect accompaniment to dips or a cheese platter.
  • Feel free to experiment with flavours - rosemary, oregano, seaweed, or sprinkle with a little grated parmesan.  The options are endless!



Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle


Unity Wellness provides health-related information to assist people in making their own choices.  While we have exercised due care to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, it is not intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for your own health professional’s advice.  Unity Wellness does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.


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Thermomix Stewed Apples with Vanilla Coconut Yoghurt

Thermomix Stewed Apples with Vanilla Coconut Yoghurt

Now, I’m not usually one for cooked fruit, but late the other night I had a craving for something warm, sweet & spicy that I could not shake.  Usually I’d make a hot chocolate, but that was just not going to cut it on this occasion.

(*cue gasps from fellow chocoholics*)  

It needed to have a bit more texture without the bitterness of chocolate.  

There wasn’t a great deal of food in the house post-Christmas, but we did have a bag of organics apples from one of the local farms that we’re lucky to have access to, as well as a tub of vanilla coconut yoghurt in the fridge.  I remembered back to when I was doing the Changing Habits Fat Loss Protocol when I sometimes cooked up an apple with some cinnamon & stevia as a protocol-friendly dessert.  I recalled all the things I liked about it:

  • Sweet without being sickly
  • Warming on the inside (don’t you love that feeling???)
  • Filling fibre from using whole fruit
  • Cinnamon to stabilise blood sugar
  • Quick & easy

Check, check, check, check & check!  Exactly what I needed!

Even better, the yoghurt would add some good fat & probiotics, along with a delicious vanilla flavour.  I have to say, the Nudie brand coconut yoghurt is probably the nicest of the commercial brands I’ve tasted, both for its mild, sweet flavour & smooth consistency, but unfortunately, it does contain corn starch which isn’t ideal for a lot of people.  Cocobella also makes a nice one that uses tapioca instead of corn, so that’s another option.  If you can’t find vanilla coconut yoghurt, you could always add some vanilla & a touch of sweetener to plain yoghurt.  Making my own coconut yoghurt is still on my “to do” list, but I know people who have had great results making their own with the Kultured Wellness starter.  Of course, you can use other types of yoghurt if you can’t eat coconut, but thankfully for most people, coconut allergy is relatively rare.  You can even skip the yoghurt all together if you wish or if you’re doing some form of the hCG protocol, but I’m all about maximising nutrients & improving gut health at this point in my journey.

This recipe can easily be changed up according to your tastes – more spice, a bit of rapadura or coconut sugar instead of the stevia for a richer caramel-like flavour or even some berries for extra yumminess & to boost your antioxidant intake.

You’ll get 2 servings from this recipe.  I haven’t tried making a double batch yet, so don’t know how well 6 apples would chop/cook at once in the Thermomix, but if you give it a go before I do, please comment below to share your experience.

Speaking of servings, when I was trying to take a photo of the finished dish, my 2.5 year old me to “hang on a minute” before coming back with an extra spoon which she placed in the bowl & said, “There! Persect!”   😀 

I reckon she’s pretty perfect, too 🙂

Thermomix stewed apples two spoons
3.03 from 6583 votes

Thermomix Stewed Apples with Vanilla Coconut Yoghurt

A quick & easy dessert or snack that combines the sweetness of the fruit, the creamy tang of yoghurt and the delicious warmth of vanilla & spice.

Course Dessert, Snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 2
Author Nyree Yali @


  • 3 Medium Apples (good eating flavour)
  • 100 g Water
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon (or mixed spice)
  • 1/2 dropper-full Vanilla-flavoured Liquid Stevia (or equivalent sweetener of choice to taste)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence (or paste/seeds)
  • Vanilla-flavoured Coconut Yoghurt, to serve


  1. Core & peel apples.  Cut into quarters.

  2. Place quarters in the Thermomix bowl & chop for a couple of seconds on speed 5.  Scrape sides of bowl & repeat if there are still a few chunky pieces.

  3. Add all other ingredients except the yoghurt to the bowl.  Cook for 15 minutes, 100C, Reverse Soft.  If you like your apples more 'al dente', check the consistency around 12 minutes.

  4. Serve in small bowls with a good dollop of coconut yoghurt on top.  Enjoy!

    Thermomix stewed apples two spoons

Recipe Notes

  • Try adding a handful of raspberries or blackberries either when cooking or fresh on top of the yoghurt for extra nutrients & yumminess!
  • If you don't have a Thermomix or similar appliance, chop the apples finely & simmer in a small covered saucepan until soft.
  • If you can't find or can't eat coconut yoghurt, other types of yoghurt or even pure cream would also work well.



Unity Wellness provides health-related information to assist people in making their own choices.  While we have exercised due care to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, it is not intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for your own health professional’s advice.  Unity Wellness does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.


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