Study Functional Nutrition in 2019
Thinking about studying Nutrition and starting the New Year following your passion in health and wellness?
Whether you just want to learn the best way to feed your family, want to learn a new skill to complement your current work or want to start your own business as a Health Coach, the Functional Nutrition Academy offers Internationally accredited online nutrition courses: science-based health care that is built on a vitalistic philosophy of food and nutrition.
Study online, anytime, any place and help people transform their health, bodies and lives. The full course (Package 2) includes a 6 week online Applied Business course for graduates that provides the business tools to assist in implementing, starting and growing your business.
Enrolments are now open for the February 2019 intake. If you enrol in any course and pay in full before the 18th of January 2019, you’ll go into the draw to win a Macbook Air!
You will receive:
1 entry when you purchase the Introduction to Nutrition Course.
5 entries when you purchase Package 1.
10 entries when you purchase Package 2.
Payment plans for the courses are available, but won’t qualify you to enter the prize draw. To get started on a Payment Plan all you need to do is click on Payment Plan and pay the $500 deposit and then they will send you an email with how to Access your Bonus.
The FNA is based in Queensland, Australia, but as the course is 100% online, you can enrol from anywhere in the world.
Click the image above to enrol now or watch a Q&A video where Cyndi talks more about the courses.
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